“As a teacher, Leadership Breakthrough One helped rekindle my passion for teaching and achieving the best outcomes for my students.  The leadership skills I learned that impacted me most were my personal clarity of purpose, projection and teamwork. I have discovered how to be more resilient and how to bring the best out of the people around me.  Enthusiasm is a truly contagious attitude and it is something that I now choose to be part of me every single day.

It was great to discover what it really means to be part of a high-performance team and to discover strategies I can use to translate this back into the teaching and academic environment. I was able to identify and break through some of the blocks holding me back from being a better leader that I wasn’t previously aware of. Even as a person with a positive attitude to life, I became aware of some aspects of my thinking and practice that needed rejuvenation. I found the program transformational from both a personal and business perspective. There was a unique balance of action and reflection as part of what is a very unorthodox and original program – so very grateful for the opportunity and possibly one of the most demanding courses I have completed – LOVED IT AND HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!”

Trudi-Ann Read, High School Teacher, Sydney, Australia

For more information on our leadership programs for schools and students, click here.


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